footballs today

footballs today

Monday 5 December 2016

Cesc gets Fernandinho's ban

The FA has rescinded Manchester City player Fernandinho's red card awarded during Saturday's ill-tempered match against Chelsea, and instead given Cesc Fabregas a retroactive three-match ban for his role in the fracas that followed Sergio Agüero's violent lunge on David Luis.

An FA spokesman told astonished reporters: "Having reviewed video evidence of the incident, we feel that Mr Fernandinho was entirely justified in his reaction to Mr Fabregas, who acted throughout in a manner befitting a cartoon weasel in a great big flowery blouse. The jury was not impressed by Mr Fabregas's pacifist Gandhi-routine, which followed the cheeky slap he thought he had got away with."

Chelsea manager Antonio Conte was unavailable for comment, but fan club spokesman Raymond Cist told reporters where to stick their microphones in no uncertain terms.

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