footballs today

footballs today

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Footballs Today UK assets seized in swoop

Footballs Today has had its UK assets seized by the state. A Home Office spokesman refused to give details, but it is believed to be part of a crackdown on 'subversive' publications, condemned as Orwellian by critics.

The assets - a three-figure premium bond cheque and a lottery ticket potentially worth millions - were seized in person by G4S personnel during a police raid at 4AM Tuesday morning.

Footballs Today staff today showed up for work undeterred by the sudden loss of earnings. We feel this is a case of blatant censorship and have no intention of bowing to pressure from the Home Office to tone down our content or cease investigating the stories that really matter, such as whether Jose Mourinho purchased a nuclear warhead or whether David Pleat (aka Mr Kipper) murdered Suzy Lamplugh.  

We are fully prepared to stand shoulder to shoulder alongside the likes of fellow whistleblowers Edward Snowden and Julian Assange in the struggle for freedom of information.

A fundraising event is being organised at a popular fried chicken outlet in London's bustling West End. Details to follow.

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