footballs today

footballs today

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Mourinho victim of bad karma

Religious leaders have tried to explain the spate of tragic football news this week, most notably the Chapocoense plane crash but also the historic sex abuse allegations in the UK.

The Pope told a Vatican press conference that everything was part of God's mysterious plan, and it was not ours to question why such awful things have to happen to innocent people. We had better continue worshipping God lest we make Him even more angry; we wouldn't want Him to unleash another bout of Black Death on us. His thoughts were echoed by his counterparts in religions throughout the world.

The Dalai Lama took the opportunity to confirm that Jose Mourinho's run of bad luck is due to karma. The exiled Tibetan Buddhist leader told reporters he believed Manchester United continue to drop points in matches they dominate as payback for Mourinho's previous managerial incarnations as a smug tosser.
However, former Chelsea and England captain John Terry was quick to condemn the Dalai Lama's verdict in a series of vitriolic tweets that were later deleted, in which he described the spiritual leader as a "Jealous bald cunt who can't even kick a ball", and that he should "Fuck off back to Nirvana".

Mourinho is currently still being held at a Manchester police station after being arrested for kicking a water bottle during Sunday's home draw against West Ham. It's the third time this season he's been detained, having previously been caught twice trying to obtain nuclear weapons. The FA is expected to issue an order limiting him to watching games chained to the radiator in the staff canteen for the rest of the season.

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