footballs today

footballs today

Monday 7 November 2016

Rule change proposals for post-Brexit domestic football

Minister for Sport Tracey Crouch today outlined the Conservative government's plans for post-Brexit British football.

Under the slogan "We want our game back", the plans involve undoing FIFA-imposed rules of the game, reverting to previous rules. These include:

Back pass to the goalkeeper allowed
Three-player offside: at least three opposition players must stand between a player and the opponent's goal
Goalkeepers may handle the ball outside of their own penalty area
Shorts must be no shorter than knee-length; unmustachioed players shall be ignored by the referee

The proposals were praised by an official spokesperson for the lobby group British Football First -whose members include UKIP leader Nigel Farage and former tennis legend Buster Mottram - who told Footballs Today: "112 years of European meddling in our national sport has turned the beautiful game into the bureaucratic game, where in the name of 'human rights' overpaid and underskilled foreign players have the right to a 15-minute break after a mere 45 minutes' work."

However, ex-footballer and TV presenter Gary Lineker expressed his disapproval of the proposed changes in a series of vitriolic tweets, which were promptly reported to the House Committee on Un-British Activities by celebrity hacktivist Piers Morgan.

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